Extra virgin olive oil directly from the producer and from the uncontaminated area of the Sicani Mountains

Our estates planted with olive trees are located in the magical area of Sicily, part of the natural reserve of the Sicani Mountains from which we can certainly say that one of the best extra virgin olive oil of olive directly from the producer. Find out why!

migliore olio extravergine di oliva direttamente dal produttore

From the heart of Sicily the best extra virgin olive oil from the producer.

You are wondering if it is still possible to find extra virgin olive oil directly from the producer…

The location of the farms cultivated with olive trees of the Grotte di Trainito Salvatore farm are located in the countryside of Castronovo di Sicilia (PA), in the Regalsciacca district, contrada Grotte di Capelvenere, in the nearby countryside of the Municipality of Cammarata c / da Montoni (AG).

These two hilly areas, between 400 and 650 asl, in a protected area of Sicily, are part of the natural reserve of the Sicani Mountains which, due to its microclimate, identify its special crops.

In this territory, crossed by the Platani, Morello and Tumarrano rivers, on the south-western side of Sicily, which delimit open valleys of orchards and splendid plains rich in durum wheat fields from which the hills with centuries-old olive groves rise, the Trainito dell ‘Azienda Agricola Grotte Capelvenere offers its extra virgin olive oil directly from the producer.

Where can the best extra virgin olive oil come from if not from a fertile and sun-rich land protected by agricultural chemistry?

olio extravergine di oliva direttamente dal produttore
produzione olio extravergine di oliva in stabilimento

From the Sicani Mountains (in Sicily - Italy), fertile land where the sun shines, we offer you the best extra virgin olive oil.

In our land, in the heart of Sicily, in summer there is a wonderful contrast of colors from the waving blond of the crops to the intense green of the olive groves. Area of Sicily of natural enchantment, where the first inhabitants of the island settled: the Sicans, the Phoenicians / Punics, the Greeks and the Romans, the Arabs, the Swabians and the Spaniards. Peoples who had the cult of the olive tree and the oil plant considered sacred, which could not be outraged.

It is here, in this magical territory that has always been protected from pollution and agricultural chemistry and modern interference that Oleificio Trainito produces extra virgin olive oil, a superior quality oil directly from the producer.

The island’s territory, rich in art, culture and history, has always fascinated by the imposing natural beauties that are always green, by the fire of Etna, by the shining sun all year round and by the intense blue sea.

The fertility of the soil, the climate and the splendor of the sun have produced in this land all the excellences that agriculture can offer to man. Over the millennia, wheat and olive trees have never lost their value, they have always attracted the peoples of the Mediterranean.

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