Quality Italian extra virgin olive oil

At our factory in Cammarata (AG) we produce our italian superior quality extra virgin olive oil.

The production cycle of our Capel Venere PGI extra virgin olive oil takes place entirely within our oil mill, everything begins with the hand harvesting of the olives which, within 24 hours, are transformed into fine extra virgin olive oil.

Inside the Oleificio Trainito, the oil bottling phase also takes place through a state-of-the-art plant and the production currently includes packaging in glass bottles of 250ml, 500ml and 750ml and packaging in 3-liter and 5-liter cans.

The organoleptic analyzes of our extra virgin olive oil, as well as the sensory analyzes carried out by the Regional Institute of Wine and Oil of the Sicily Region, show that Capel Venere PGI of Sicily is a superior quality, balanced extra virgin olive oil, characterized by medium green fruity , medium bitter, medium spicy.

Its acidity value is equal to 0.20 g on 100 g of oleic acid (the legal limit for extra virgin olive oils is 0.80 g on 100 g). The extra virgin olive oil Capel Venere IGP is the classic oil that should never be missing in the kitchens of all of Italy, a “Pure & Sicilian” oil capable of enhancing the flavors of Sicilian and non-Sicilian regional dishes….

Loved by good restaurateurs and by those who love to cook in a healthy and tasty way, our Capel Venere extra virgin olive oil was recently awarded by Epulae as a “90’s piece of Italian food and wine”.

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